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Security Label
Security Label
Jiedi stay in character label, Jiedi stay in character label, also known as the male version of the security matrix, when the security sticker has been lifted, the adhesive surfaces will produce obvious structural damage and bearing stickers surface isolated pre-designed patterns or text (such as VOID, OPENED, been opened, or customer specified other pattern or text), and can not be undone, deterrent and warning.


Chemical solvents

Visibility sample of observed changes





Freon-® tetramethylsilane

No effect

No effect

No effect

Isopropyl Alcohol

No effect

No effect

No effect

Mineral Spirits

No effect

No effect

No effect

JP-8 jet fuel

No effect

No effect

No effect

ASTM Oil No. 3

No effect

No effect

No effect

Mil 5606 oil

No effect

No effect

No effect


No effect

No effect

No effect

Super Agitene-®

No effect

No effect

No effect

BIOACT-EC-7- ™ particles of metal

No effect

No effect

No effect

Ionized water

No effect

No effect

No effect

3% Alconox-® solvent

No effect

No effect

No effect

10% sodium hydroxide solution

No effect

No effect

No effect

Of 10% sulfuric acid solution

No effect

No effect

No effect


Product Description

Series when removing security tags can be attached to the surface leaving a white, matt silver TLB's words, 

were unable to clean and remove. So as to achieve security and eye-catching effect.


1. Paste excellent adaptability

2. Excellent security warning effect

3. ROHS directive



1. Outdoor information,warning labels

2. Equipment management, information tag



Adaptive testing

Test Methods: Zebra printer and TLB121 or TLB22 ribbon for printing. Before the test, the samples were 

laminated to aluminum and allowed to stand for 24 hours.




Product unopened and at 23 , 65% RH environment can be kept for 

at least one year (from date of receipt for this product).





Science test

Test Methods: Zebra printer and TLB121 or TLB22 ribbon print sample labelsBefore the test, the samples 

were laminated to aluminum and are allowed to stand for 24 hours. Tests carried out at room temperature. 

Every 30 minutes the sample labels soaked in a given chemical solvent for 10 minutesrepeated five times

after the last soak a cotton ball dampened with test solvent wipe the surface of the sample label 10 times.

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